Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother's Day Mom!!!

To My Mom;
Happy Mother's Day Mom! I know you are gone but I just wanted to tell you how much I love you! You are the best Mom ever! I will always remember you and think about you everyday! I am so glad we had so many fun times together. I was thinking the other day of your laugh and how when you laughed so hard it sounded like you were in pain, I laughed like that the other day and I am glad I have your same laugh! I was looking a pictures of you and your smile is so contagious! You were always so happy even though you didn't feel good these last few years. You are a trooper mom and there is no one I know who could fight the fight you fought! You never gave up! You really are the best and I am so thankful for you! You taught me everything I know and I am so sad I don't have you here anymore. You are my best friend, I miss talking to you everyday and letting me complain about anything. I love you so so so much! I know I told you I loved you every time I talked to you and thanked you for being the best Mom when I could but 21 years does not do justice for what you really deserve. I am so thankful to have had you in my life! I can't wait to be half the Mom you were to Jenn and me.
Happy Mother's Day Mom!
I love you!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Beginning

Jeff and I been together for just over 3 years. Through those 3 years I have gained an amazing little boy who is the most intelligent kid I have ever met. I will always remember the first day I met Ethan, he came to Harmon's and the first thing he did/said was "Look I have Jedi underwear" while pulling down his pants on the sales floor. He was in this stage where he would give someone a Star Wars name (my name was Yoda and Jeff's was Bobafett) and if he did not like you he would use the "force" on you. I know it is different when you have your own kids, but Ethan is mine.
I also got a great set of in-laws. I always thought anyone you married their family would hate you, but not Jeff's family. They couldn't be more accepting of me. Jeff and I have quite an age difference and I thought his family would have seen me as a immature girl. They welcomed me with open arms and I couldn't be more grateful to have them in my life.
Jeff and I lived together for almost a year before we got married. Then in May 2008 he proposed. I was so caught off guard when he asked me and I couldn't stop asking "Are you kidding me? Your serious?" The next few months I had a blast planning the best wedding ever with my Mom. It was simple and stress-free just how Jeff & I both wanted it. 08-08-08 was the day I married my prince charming and have fallen even more in love with him everyday! I couldn't ask for a better man to share my life with.